







2023-03-11 00:03:24




Hyunks(曼联球迷):巴萨踢得太丢人了,简直就是西甲曼联!(Shame on Barca, almost Spanish Man United now.)

kaden_dd(阿森纳球迷):在梅西伤愈之前,巴萨基本就处在休假状态了…(Barca taking a break from football till Messi comes back.)

nayan99agal(巴萨球迷):好希望马竞也丢分啊,不然我们夺西甲冠军就难了…(better hope atletico drop points now otherwise we are in trouble for La liga.)

ansharifi(皇马球迷):就没人关心一下我吗…(No one cares me?)

Ceez92(巴萨球迷):如果眯着眼睛看,奥萨苏纳的球衣和巴萨其实挺像的,这样就显得我们踢得好了一点。(If I squint Osasuna kit looks like Barca's and we don't look as bad.)

Gutzzu(皇马球迷):布斯克茨想要传球给梅西,可是梅西正在摩纳哥陪C罗吃午饭呢!(Busquets with a pass to Messi but Messi is having a lunch with Ronaldo in Monaco.)

My13InchDuck(巴萨球迷):还买啥内马尔啊,我们能从巴黎把图赫尔直接买来吗?(Fuck Neymar, can we buy Tuchel from PSG?)

thethomatoman(圣保罗球迷):我才18岁,可我看到比我小两岁的弟弟都在联赛里为巴萨进球,瞬间感觉自己老了...(I'm starting to feel old. I'm only 18 yet dudes two years younger than me are scoring for Barca in the league.)

Ceez92(巴萨球迷):现在巴萨急需团建活动,聚餐吃个烤肉啥的,然后把C罗叫来发表励志演讲一波!(This team needs to have a BBQ together and get that team mentality, maybe invite Ronaldo over to give a speech on dedication and hard work.)

WonDerm(巴萨球迷):演讲完了留下来怎样?(How about staying here afterwards?)

nikica251(巴萨球迷):为啥对手第一次得到机会我们就会丢球啊?上次也是这样...(How do we always concede from their first chance? Same thing happened last game.)

doge_IV(皇马球迷):现在你明白上赛季我们在伯纳乌输你们0-3的感受了吧!(Now you know what we felt when you won 0-3 on bernabeu last year.)

HacksawJimDGN(巴萨球迷):10年以后,这个帖子必将会被挖坟来看球迷对法蒂第一粒进球的反应!(This thread will be dragged up in 10 years to see how everyone reacted to Fati's 1st goal.)

thunderboy13(巴萨球迷):插播!巴黎提出1.3亿+内马尔来交换法蒂!(Just in: Psg offered Neymar+130 mil for Ansu fati.)


RobbieWard123(女王公园巡游者球迷):齐达内好像忘了自己是不喜欢贝尔的…(Zidane kind of forgot he didn’t like Bale.)

CaptainSkull22(切尔西球迷):贝尔最大的成就便是让人们认为齐达内是个好教练…(Bale's greatest achievement was making people believe Zidane is a good manager.)

TheEsotericRunner(曼联球迷):贝尔射门的时候根本不看球,也不看球飞出的方向啊!(Bale didn't even look at the ball or in the direction of the ball when he shot.)

Luis0224(皇马球迷):他只是把球当成齐达内的脑袋罢了。(He just pretends its zidane's head.)

KapSan1(巴萨球迷):这个比赛日稍微让我感觉不那么狗血了…(This has the potential to make this matchday a little less shit for me.)

Nikicaga(未知主队球迷):西甲冠军之争将会是马竞VS洛佩特吉的塞维利亚!(The title race is going to be Atletico vs Lopetegui's Sevilla. Huh.)


MattyIce60(曼联球迷):我幻想着大卫-路易斯和穆斯塔菲搭档的中后卫组合呢!(I fantasize about the Luiz-Mustafi centre-back pairing.)

Lessom(利物浦球迷):感觉路易斯把本就混乱的阿森纳防线搞的更糟了…(I feel like Luiz make arsenal poor defense ever worse.)

FatWalcott(阿森纳球迷):如果没有越位规则的话,那科拉希纳茨一定能赢7次金球奖!(If the offside rule didn't exist, Kolasinac would he a 7 time Balon D'or winner.)

MutedDollar(埃弗顿球迷):加里-内维尔刚说到:“扎卡是一名经验老到的球员,就是从没把经验表现出来过。”(Gary Neville just described Xhaka as an 'experienced player who never seems experienced'.)

Youngflyabs(科特迪瓦球迷):扎卡坚定了我去踢职业的决心!(Xhaka makes me feel better about my chances to go pro.)

Masonbrit(切尔西球迷):扎卡这些动作就像是你玩FIFA游戏0-5落后时一样。(Xhaka with the kind of tackle you do when you’re down by 5 on fifa)


Artificialdick(未知主队球迷):安切洛蒂好不容易也下半场连进了3球,结果…(Finally Ancellotti had a chance to score 3 in the second half but…)

FalkoneyeCH(本菲卡球迷):安切洛蒂的眉毛都快飞到天上去了。(Ancelotti's eyebrow drifting off in to space.)

SamirLwydadi(未知主队球迷):意大利足球就是22个人追着球跑90分钟,最后尤文获胜的简单游戏而已。(Italian football is a simple game, 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, Juve always win.)

Aru10(尤文球迷):德利赫特和库利巴利在比赛谁的身价掉得最多呢!(DeLigt And Koulibaly in competition on whose value drops more.)

DarkSofter(曼联球迷):想象一下你是意甲球迷,15年前你看完内斯塔和马尔蒂尼的比赛后昏厥至今,然后醒来看见现在这场景…(Imagine being in a coma for 15 years as a serie a supporter watching nesta and maldini and waking up to this.)

jr2106(未知主队球迷):想象一下你是曼联球迷,15年前你看完曼联横扫一切后昏厥至今,然后醒来看见现在这场景…(Imagine being in a coma for 15 years as a Utd supporter watching your team dominate and waking up to this.)


unglaubich_dich(利物浦球迷):最早打进50个英超进球的巴西人...本来应该是你的,库蒂尼奥。(First Brazilian to score 50 premier league goals…could have been you Coutinho.)

VinceRussoShoots(未知主队球迷):曼城和利物浦正把英超变成皇马巴萨一样的二人转!(City and Liverpool are making the EPL into a two horse race similar to Real and Barcelona.)

Martchsub2(未知主队球迷):皇马巴萨现在不更像是切尔西和曼联吗?(Real and Barcelona are more similar to Chelsea and Man united now.)


CruyffsPlan(巴萨球迷):我是认真的,现在哪支交手过的球队还没有被瓜帅进过至少4球的…(Serious question. What teams have city NOT scored Atleast 4 goals on ever since Pep came over?)

Jayveesac(阿森纳球迷):暂时还没进过阿森纳4球以上,嗯,暂时…(They haven't put 4 past Arsenal yet. Keyword, yet...)


Sharcbait(利物浦球迷):曼联现在不是强队的状态啊,恐怕狼队要遇到麻烦了。(Man U is so out of form that Wolves are getting worried about playing them.)

Aedmore(阿森纳球迷):要是曼联每周都去踢切尔西该多好啊!(If only the could play Chelsea every week.)


EmhyrvarSpice(切尔西球迷):稀罕啊,我们竟然有了个能进球的9号!(A number 9 who scores goals. This is new.)

mr_bonner94(未知主队球迷):这种球莫拉塔就会直接传给对方后卫了,然后告诉他们犯错其实不可怕…(Morata would of passed that ball back to the defenders and tell them it’s okay to make mistakes.)


Daftsfl(未知主队球迷):梅西啊,你咋就不去和C罗一起吃晚饭呢?(Messi why you no have dinner with Ronaldo.)

nayan99agal(西班牙球迷):他们去吃晚饭的话,最后谁来付钱?(wonder who will gonna pay the bill of dinner.)

Nonachalantly(未知主队球迷):怎么没人抱怨听不懂梅西说话?难道只有我一个人不会西班牙语么?有没有大神翻译一下…(Why is no one here complaining that they can't understand Messi? Am I the only one who doesn't speak Spanish here? Can someone please translate.)

GJXN1990(曼城球迷):梅西说:“我当然想念C罗了,这是美妙的对决。我只希望我的队友能有C罗十分之一的本事,这样我特么就不用一直扛这球队走了,我的背疼还能好点。”(He says: "Of course I miss him, we have a fantastic rivalry. I only wish my team mates had a tenth of the commitment of this guy. My back is aching from carrying this weak as fuck team.")

GujjuGang7(未知主队球迷):我学了3年西班牙语,我确定他翻译的对!(Can confirm, took 3 years of Spanish.)


本文标题:国外也有段子手:巴萨不给力,那西甲冠军岂不就是... - 英超

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